Alcan Highway movie trailer (and my Alcan trip pictures)

Alcan Highway - 4 min Trailer from Ulla Simonen / MADE on Vimeo.

H/t to Edvin.

Here are some of my Alcan Highway pictures from my 2007 trip.  Once I find my journal, I'll write a more detailed accounting of my trip.

The Alaska Highway (also known as Alcan) is 1,400 miles long and stretches from Dawson Creek, British Columbia, to Delta Junction in Alaska.  As I had a self-imposed rule of only traveling by public transportation, I rode a Greyhound bus from Dawson Creek to Whitehorse in the Yukon (where the service ends) and took a shuttle van from Whitehorse to Delta Junction and further on to Fairbanks.

Here is the bus making a pit stop.  I think I had the best beef barley soup at this joint.

Here is some random glacier next to the highway.  Truly spectacular.  By this point, I had been "riding the dog" for three or four days straight (from Oakland, California).

I spent a day in Whitehorse and had some pretty good sourdough toast at a diner.  I stayed at the cheapest motel in town-- it also had a hair salon, laundromat, and Indian restaurant.

Dave of Alaska Direct Bus Line picked me up in Whitehorse.  He is a great photographer with a flickr page but I can't find it.  The only other passenger was his daughter.  We talked about Burma for a long time, for some reason.

We left town really early.  This is Haines Junction at dusk.

This is Destruction Bay.

Dave snapping pictures during a break.

Our van.


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