Automotive blog food fight

Well, there is that elephant in the room.

It would be entertaining if it weren't so sad for all the parties involved.

Synopsis: Jeff Glucker was a writer for Autoblog and had a side gig for a PR firm with Nissan as a client.  Glucker posted a piece on Autoblog about Nissan without disclosing his relationship with Nissan.  Jalopnik, Autoblog's competitor, dramatically and very publicly outed Glucker's conflict of interest.  Autoblog, in damage control mode, quickly fired Glucker.

At least one writer for The Truth About Cars, a much smaller car blog with a very devoted following, has been aggressively injecting himself into the fracas, calling both Autoblog and Jalopnik out as shills for the auto industry.

Hooniverse, which Glucker had a large role in creating and developing, has been, so far, silent on the issue.

We can all agree that Glucker's lapse in judgment was significant.  That he was fired may have been an overreaction.

The dust has not settled yet.  Just remember to duck.


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