Next project: Renovate/clean garage

With the car show season over, there's not much to do on weekends.  Maybe it's time to clean out that 2-car garage and make it look nice.

Just a bit of background.  When we bought the place, 1/5 of the garage was taken up by a probably-not-kosher-with-the-building-inspectors carpeted mudroom/dark room.  A nosy neighbor ratted us out and I had to quickly take out the walls and carpeting.  There's black spongy gunk on the floor where the carpet used to be.  There are also 2x4s nailed to the asbestos-laden (I believe) ceiling that outlines the former walls.

The goals:

  • clean and paint the floor
  • have one large clean wall to tastefully hang 50-state license plate collection and various automotive memorabilia
  • install attractive and functional storage/shelving on opposite wall
If you have any ideas or sources (books, websites) of ideas, please share.  I own a small tool box of very basic tools and can barely close the hood of a car.  So go easy on me.  Oh, and the budget is around the $750 range.  


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